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Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009

After almost 6 years to build a dream community Jatim terpanjang bridges in Indonesia, also ultimately realized. End of March 2009 at approximately 23:00 WIB bridge successfully connect. Alhamdulillah.
Opening of waiting 2 more months, precisely in June. And people say terpanjang across Southeast Asia. Great ya ....?
There is also a need to know, who dreams sehebat this?. Belaiu is a former Governor of East Java H. M Nur, native Madura. Somewhen I certainly share the knowledge on you. Wait ... yes!
Come on .... What follow-up? Build a bridge across the Suramadu dream. But there is condition .... Trust. If no trust .... no need to follow the dream with me.

arti ;

Setelah hampir 6 tahun masyarakat Jatim bermimpi membangun jembatan terpanjang di Indonesia, akhirnya terwujud juga. Akhir bulan Maret 2009 sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB Jembatan berhasil di sambung. Alhamdulillah.
Peresmiannya tunggu 2 bulan lagi, tepatnya pada bulan juni. Dan kabarnya terpanjang se Asia Tenggara. Hebat ya….?
Ada juga yang kalian perlu ketahui, mimpi siapakah sehebat ini?. Belaiu adalah mantan Gubernur Jatim H. M Nur, asli Madura. Kapan- kapan saya pasti berbagi ilmu pada kalian. Tunggu ya…!
Ayo….siapa ikutan? Membangun mimpi menyeberangi Jembatan Suramadu. Tapi ada syaratnya …. Percaya. Kalau ndak percaya…. ndak usah ikut membangun mimpi bersama saya.

At this time, perhaps we are very familiar with the name of the computer mouse. Although seemingly trivial, fist of things this really help us work every day, which is always associated primarily with the computer.

Mouse also known as the mouse, get a name such as a cable shaped like a stick mouse tails.

But, you know that early beginning, only the mouse can be used by people trained in the field of graphics. For, in the years around 1968, the computer is still very rare. Users only a limited circle. In fact, no need to operate the particular expertise.

Therefore, an inventor in the field of computers, Douglas Engelbart, try to make a tool to facilitate the work if someone uses the computer. Mouse was first created in 1963 by Douglas Engelbart of wood with one button. Douglas, known as a smart young man with 40 more inventions that are patented, and then demonstrate a tool that in the event Fall Joint Computer Expo in San Francisco on 9 December 1968.

Since then, the direction of development of the computer run more quickly. In fact, can be said, things like that mouse, because the cable in the middle of the small panhandle long tails such as mice, have changed the way the world computer industry. The computer more user friendly so until the computer can be used by anyone. However, not only that, Douglas was then continuously innovate. He pioneered the area of them through the computer, making hypermedia, and various supporting device to other computers.
Currently, the technology already allows the Mouse laser system so that the resolution can reach 2000 dots per inch (dpi), which can even reach the 4800 point per inch. Usually this kind of mouse is for video game fans.

Many of the findings it makes in 1998, Douglas received an award the National Inventors Hall of Fame. He also had received an award with a value of the largest in the history of invention, namely U.S. $ 500 thousand from the Lemelson-MIT. However, he always merendah. For him, all that is done for the Conference of others, so that more people are able to realize the dream fight

arti ;

Saat ini, barangkali kita sudah sangat akrab dengan benda yang namanya mouse komputer. Meski nampaknya sepele, benda sebesar kepalan tangan ini sangat membantu pekerjaan kita sehari-hari, utamanya yang selalu berhubungan dengan komputer.

Mouse dikenal juga dengan sebutan tetikus, memperoleh nama demikian karena kabel yang menjulur berbentuk seperti ekor tikus.

Tapi, tahukah Anda bahwa mouse awal mulanya hanya bisa dipakai oleh orang yang terlatih di bidang grafis. Sebab, pada sekitar tahun 1968, komputer memang masih sangat jarang. Penggunanya hanya kalangan terbatas. Bahkan, untuk mengoperasikan pun butuh keahlian tertentu.

Karena itu, seorang penemu di bidang komputer, Douglas Engelbart, mencoba membuat sebuah alat untuk memudahkan proses kerja jika seseorang menggunakan komputer. Mouse pertama kali dibuat pada tahun 1963 oleh Douglas Engelbart berbahan kayu dengan satu tombol. Douglas yang dikenal sebagai pemuda cerdas dengan 40 lebih penemuan yang sudah dipatenkan, kemudian mendemonstrasikan alat bantu itu dalam acara Fall Joint Computer Expo di San Francisco pada 9 Desember 1968.

Sejak saat itu, arah perkembangan komputer berjalan makin cepat. Bahkan, bisa dikatakan, benda yang mirip tikus, karena kabel kecilnya di tengah menjulur panjang seperti ekor tikus, telah mengubah jalan industri komputer dunia. Komputer jadi lebih user friendly hingga komputer bisa dipakai oleh siapa saja. Namun, tak hanya itu, Douglas pun kemudian terus berinovasi. Ia di antaranya memelopori telekonferensi melalui komputer, pembuatan hypermedia, dan aneka perangkat penunjang untuk komputer lainnya.
Saat ini, teknologi terbaru sudah memungkinkan Mouse memakai sistem laser sehingga resolusinya dapat mencapai 2.000 titik per inci (dpi), bahkan ada yang bisa mencapai 4.800 titik per inci. Biasanya mouse semacam ini diperuntukkan bagi penggemar permainan video.

Berbagai penemuan itu membuat Douglas pada tahun 1998 mendapat penghargaan National Inventors Hall of Fame. Ia juga sempat mendapat penghargaan dengan nilai terbesar dalam sejarah penemuan, yakni US$500 ribu dari Lemelson-MIT. Meski begitu, ia selalu merendah. Baginya, semua yang dilakukan adalah untuk menginspirasi orang lain, agar lebih banyak orang mampu berjuang mewujudkan impiannya


Eiffel Tower inaugurated March 31, 1889 iron Tower located Paris, France, is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars at the River Seine in Paris. He has become a symbol of France and is one of the building (structure) in the world. Since inaugurated, more than 200 million people have been mengunjunginya.
The name "Eiffel" is derived from the name of designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923).
This tower was built to show the progress of French industry, to celebrate 100 years celebrated French Revolution, as well as forward the idea of the tower 1000 feet (approximately 304.8 meters) from the year 1832 Richard Trevithick.
In 2000, the Eiffel Tower antenna added. The height to be 324 meters, equivalent to 81 storey building. This makes it as one of the highest building in the world. Incredible!

Menara Eiffel diresmikan tanggal 31 Maret 1889 Menara besi ini terletak Paris, Perancis, merupakan sebuah menara besi yang dibangun di Champ de Mars di tepi Sungai Seine di Paris. Ia telah menjadi lambang Perancis dan merupakan salah satu bangunan (struktur) terkenal di dunia. Sejak diresmikan, lebih dari 200 juta orang telah mengunjunginya.
Nama "Eiffel" berasal dari nama perancangnya, insinyur Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923).
Menara ini dibangun untuk menunjukkan kemajuan industri Perancis, merayakan merayakan 100 tahun Revolusi Perancis, sekaligus meneruskan gagasan pembangunan menara 1.000 kaki (kira-kira 304,8 meter) dari Richard Trevithick tahun 1832.
Pada tahun 2000, Menara Eiffel ditambahkan antena. Ketinggiannya menjadi 324 meter atau setara dengan gedung 81 lantai. Hal ini menjadikannya sebagai salah satu bangunan tertinggi di dunia. Luar biasa!

death crash girl

Now, the dead girl named Gaby collision is successful cloning. Doctors who do so Dr. Panayiotis Zavos. Material kloningan this is frozen blood cells, .... The process ... how ya? The process of cloning it in a video recorded in a secret laboratory in the Middle East. Would like to see the process ...?. Zavos recognize gain weight when the pressure akan cady cloning to create babies. Because, he does not believe cloning can produce a healthy baby. However, Dr Zavos claim to ignore it because the pressure at the same time get a lot of cloning and all requests seriously. "I get requests every day. But, the condition cloning the only last remaining hope. Zavos is not an interested Michael Jordans (basket stars)," kilahnya. He rejected the bad effects on animal cloning, such as birth defects, and the size of a baby is greater. According to him, the effect will be reduced. Dr Zavos is a U.S. citizen and have a naturalistic fertility clinic in Kentucky and Cyprus, where he was born. He insists, serious efforts to produce a baby's skin cell cloning from their parents will be realized. "There is no doubt and I am not the only one who will realize that. Cloning will happen," he said. Eve is the result of cloning a baby's first woman in the world is now aged 5 years old, healthy and is now starting tread Taman Kanak Kanak education in the outlying city of Bahamas. EVE was born on, 26 December 2002. Company Biotehnologi a successful result in this benama baby cloning 'Claims Clonaid' Clonaid is a company that was established religious sect Raelians 1997. They believe life on earth, outer space being created through genetic engineering. Although the scientists are very concerned with the medical risks and uncertainties associated with human cloning. One of the kekhawatirannya if a baby is the clone, then kromosomnya akan match with donor age. For example, cloning of a child aged 5 years will look like the age of 10 because the chromosome of the donor get aged 5 years, with the risk of heart disease and cancer. But in fact human cloning efforts are still made. Risks also stake out the poor woman who decided the baby cloning. According to experts the development of embryo in mammals, Prof.. Richard Gardner, the women are exposed to risk of one type of cancer that is not ordinary and unique in humans, which attacks the uterus, the choriocarcinoma. Apart from the pro and contra, human cloning is a natural phenomenon biotik that we need to cermati. I get this news from the Jawa Pos, Friday 24 April 2009. What do my friends about this? --
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